Required reading

Reading list

Required IHTP program reading for students includes the following:


1.    Harp Therapy Cradle of Sound (“CoS”)* – Christina Tourin. This is the central text of our program. You will be writing an ongoing review of assigned sections from this text throughout the program.


2.    From Behind the Harp – Music in End of Life Care – Jane Franz available from


3.    Music and Soulmaking – Barbara Crowe – Barbara has created an audio recording of the 3 required chapters. It has been uploaded for your required purchase. You can access it at this LINK  or find it at the bottom of this page: Some who are intrigued by her writing may want to purchase the entire book but it is pricey and you only need to report on the 3 chapters she will be providing.    Of another interest, you might want to read this previously required book – it is highly recomended.
A Transpersonal Model of Music Therapy Deepening Practice** – Barbara Crowe (This book is only available through Amazon – International students, please try the Book Depository – free delivery worldwide). Order from Barcelona Publishers:


4.    The Art of Being a Healing Presence – by James E Miller available from


5.    TA today: A new Introduction to Transactional Analysis, (Second Edition) – Ian Stewart and Van Joines

*Cradle of Sound reviews are done differently from the other required and elective readings. Each Unit is composed of three subsections – A, B, and C – and each contains a packet of assigned readings from the CoS.

You are asked to write a 1/2 page summary of what you found useful from each of these subsection reading packets – totalling about a page and a half of written text per Unit from you. You will combine your writings from the three subsections and submit as one document at the end of the Unit. Use the “Contact Us” button if you have any questions.

**You will write reviews for the books in bold print above – a minimum of one page – we are more interested in your reactions to the book, and how you might use the information in your own harp therapy practice.

6.    You will select 5 ‘elective’ books of your own choice to read and review.

Click this button to view the recommended reading list.

Recommended Reading

You may also select a book that is not on this list, but check with your mentor first to see if the book is appropriate.
To recap, you will be writing an ongoing review of the course text Cradle of Sound, submitted as instructed above. You will write a maximum of one page for each starred item above (items 2,3,4,5), totaling four required books, plus your five elective texts (totaling nine book reviews at the end of your program). With your ongoing reviews of the Cradle of Sound, you are responsible for ten written reviews while in the Program. You will be reminded of all of this in your Unit lessons.

You will also be working with three required music packages in the program:

1.    Illuminations Healing Music Book/CD


2.    Color My World Series – You will receive one of the Series which will include approximately 20 songs and a backup dvd where you can insert it to show on a large screen in a nursing home, resident home etc. There will be visuals and back up music OR you can choose a packet of 110 cards therapeutic cards. Available from:

You might want to order the Illuminations Book and Color My World 110 tunes together to save on S/H.

3.    Creative Harping Video Series 1-10 – DVD or streaming video.    (If you have taken Christina’s Tutorials or sign in for this guidance on these lessons 1-10, you will receive a 50% discount on the Creative Harping Video Series. In order to receive the 50% discount, CONTACT