Prep Program

Preparing for the IHTP

International Harp Therapy Program!

Christina’s Tutorials

How to prepare for
the International Harp Therapy Program

Other than the costs of the Creative Harping Video Series DVDs (also available as streaming videos on our site with no shipping fees) and required texts for the program, there is no additional cost to begin as a preparatory student.

Begin your study with Creative Harping Video Series #1 – Find the Mode of a Piece of Music, and an introduction to the 10 video series. You may access it for free and view it as often as you wish.

As part of the application process, you are required to submit a song and improvisation from the Creative Harping Video Series #3 The Aeolian Mode. Recordings must be in mp3 format.  You will prepare a recording with a tune you have selected from the lesson. Play it through at least once, and segue into an improvisation with the same tempo and time signature using at least two left hand patterns in the packet of printed materials that you download with each Creative Harping Video Series lesson. Your submissions should be no longer than 4 minutes, and you you do not need to return to the tune at the end.

If you follow Christina’s directions on Creative Harping Video Series #1 and #2, you should be fine. If you are a seasoned harpist, you need not go through this preparation process, simply record your aeolian piece along with an improvisation not to exceed 3-4 mins.

Here, Christina demonstrates short submissions of beginner improvisations in the Dorian, Aeolian, Mixolydian, Locrian and Ionian modes using a variety of left hand patterns.

Short submissions of beginner improvisations-01

Along with recording these two pieces of music, and studying the “Find the Mode of a Piece of Music” quiz.  If you would like to join Christina’s Tutorials Prep Program, please go to this LINK.  This is where you will develop improvisation patterns that are required for the admission process. When you are ready, contact your Affiliate Program Leader to submit the $100. application fee, your recording and your application with required information.

We will review your application and inform you that you have been accepted, or that you need more musical development work in our Prep Program until the next admission date.

If you have been accepted and are waiting for the Module 1 to begin, we encourage you to continue with your Music Development with the additional videos in the Creative Harping Video Series.

You may also begin your required reading by accessing some of the books on the IHTP reading list.


Please contact us with any further questions.


Karen Soronow – IHTP- Program Manager

Liesbeth Schroen – IHTP Northern Europe  Affiliate Leader

Carmen Lee – IHTP-ASIA  Affiliate Leader

Marianne Gubri – IHTP Southern Europe Affiliate Leader

Christina Tourin
Director, International Harp Therapy Program


*Visually impaired students are encouraged to contact us and we will work to bring the program to you through alternate means.

Music Development

The Creative Harp Series is  available as online streaming lessons

* Save on expensive international shipping rates *

  • The Creative Harp Signature Series take you on a journey of studying the modes. You will learn different left hand accompaniments; how to create your own improvisations; how to play by ear, and how to modulate from mode to mode to follow a patient.
  • You may want to bundle your required materials to save on shipping. In addition to our Creative Harp Series, you will be learning 7 pieces of of music – 5 selected elemental pieces for balancing energies from the Illuminations book.


We also offer simplified versions of songs that fall into the required elemental repertoire in the Color My World Series.


International Harp Therapy Program practitioners use harps of all sizes. Many practitioners elect to work ‘interactively’ with their clients and patients, so smaller therapy harps are their choice. We have researched and have aided harp luthiers to improve designs that become top of the line.