Discover the world of therapeutic music with the harp!

Imagine carrying your harp into a patient room. The corridor is filled with noise and activity, and the patient is restless and shows anxiety. As you play for this person whom you have just met, her breath becomes deeper and slower. The furrowed brow begins to release. And then you notice that the hallway is no longer noisy and chaotic. You have changed the environment for the patient, visitors and staff.
Through the training of the International Harp Therapy Program (IHTP) you will have the skills and ability to enter into many different settings and situations with confidence, knowing that your music is of great value and benefit, and that you can respond appropriately to anything that arises.

The IHTP is a premier program that has been offering training for nearly 30 years. In the past several years, IHTP has established its global Affiliate Partner Programs with training available in the United States, Netherlands, Europe, Australia, and Hong Kong. These affiliate programs are available to you to complete your course or as an exciting destination for retreats and continuing education credits. As they carry forth the work of Christina, she will continue to be available for teaching.

Our Affiliate Programs Around the World

Our Training dates and our new Student Handbook are available within our
Affiliate Program websites

30 Years of Therapeutic Training

The International Harp Therapy Program (IHTP) was founded by Christina Tourin, a pioneer and leader in the world of harp and healing, in the early 1990s. Now in its third decade of providing training, the IHTP currently has students and graduates in 32 countries and on five continents. As a program which is accredited by the National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians, (NSBTM) the IHTP offers a comprehensive training program offered through a combination of two separate attendance modules, independent (at home) study, and an internship.

The International Harp Therapy Program 30 years of Excellence!

Harp Practitioners from 32 countries are now serving on 5 continents!

IHTP Staff

Something about staff