Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

The following books are highly recommended but not required

Music: Physician for Times to Come – D. Campbell Amazon

This book can be purchased by following this link

Sound Spirit: Pathway to Faith – D. Campbell Amazon

This book can be purchased by following this link.

The Mozart Effect – D. Campbell – Avon Books/Harper Collins

This book can be purchased by following this link.

Healing At The Speed of Sound by Don Campbell and Alex Doman

AVAILABLE as hard copy, eBook and Enhanced eBook from –

Grace Notes by Tami Briggs


AVAILABLE as paperback from


Therapeutic Harp 3-DVD Set – by S. Williams

3 part documentary about the use of harps in healthcare settings.

Part 1: Ancient Legacy
Part II: Sound Science
Part III: Clinical Applications

Total 2 hrs.43 mins.

Price $79.95

Buy Now



The Mythic Harp – S. Williams

Following this link



Good Vibrations – S. Williams

Follow this web address



Regarding the books, we ask that you have your own copy as you will be referring to them for years to come. Lots of times you can find used books on

For your elective reading, please choose from these possibilities below, or ask about others.

Alphabetically Listed


All I Really Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten – Robert Fulghum

Anatomy Coloring Book – Kapit and Elson

Annie Stories – Brett, Doris

Articles on audition, immunology and therapeutic use of music – Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.

At Personal Risk: Boundary Violations – Marilyn Peterson


Bean, J. and Pied Piper – Oldfield, A. O.U.P. 1991 Cambridge

Biocybernetics of Emotion Communication – Manfred Clynes, D. Sc.

Biomedical foundations of music as therapy – D.B. Taylor (1997)

St. Louis, MO: Music ISBN 0-918812-94-1 (obtain from West Music,

BodyStories – A Guide to Experiential Anatomy – Andrea Olsen


Care of the Soul – Thomas Moore

Catching the Thread – Sufism, Dreamwork and Jungian Psychology – Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Chasing Daylight by Eugene O’Kelly

Collection – The Arts in Pscyotherapy – Pergamon Press

Coma – Artie Mindell

Coma Communications – Stan Tomandl and Ann Jacob

Conscious Evolution – Barbara Hubbard

Creates happy, smart and confident children – John M. Ortiz, Ph.D

Creative Healing – Michael Samuels and Mary Rockwood Lane

Cymatics – Jenny Hans


Death: The final stages of Growth – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Richard Carolson, Ph.D.

Dying Well – Ira Vyock

Dying Well: The Prospect for Growth at the End of Live – Ira Byock, MD


Effortless Mastery: Liberating the Master Musician Within by Kenny Werner

Embraced by the Light – Betty Eadie

Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

Energy Medicine – Donna Eden

Enneagram Transformations – Don Richard Riso ISBN 0-395-65786-5

The Enneagram and NLP – A Journey of Evolution – Anne Linden, Murray Spalding, Metamorphous Press, Portland OR, ISBN 1-55552-042-1

Energy Medicine – Donna Eden


Facets of a Diamond: Refelctions of a Healer – John Diamond, M.D. ISBN: 1-890995-17-7

Facing Death and Finding Hope – a guide to the emotional and spiritual care of the dying by Christine Longaker, a student of Sogyal Rinpoche( Tibetan Book of Living and Dying)

Feel the Fear – Susan Jeffries

Final Gifts – Callanan & Kelley

Frogs Into Princes – Brinder-Brandler


Good Grief – Granger E. Westberg

Guided Imagery and Music in the Institutional Setting – Sumner, L. Magnamusic Baton (avail. Schott).


Harmonic Chant – David Hykes

Harp Full of Stars – Joel Andrews

Harpers Diary – Christine Grace Magnussen

Healing and Regeneration Through Music – Corinne Heline

Healing Sounds – The Power of Harmonics – Jonathan Goldman

Healing with Music and Color – Mary Bassano

Healing, Personal Growth and Empowerment – Gary Doore, Ph.D.

Hearts Code – Brinder-Brandler

Hidden Messages in Water (The)- Dr. Masaru Emoto

How We Die – Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter – Sherwin B. Nuland

How, Now, Shall We Live – Wayne Mueller


Improvisational Models of Music Therapy – Bruscia, K.E

Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1987 (obtain from West Music,

In Search of the Lost Chord – Jonathan Goldman, founder of the Sound Healer’s Assoc.

Infinite Mind – Dr. Valerie Hunt

Instant Rapport – Michael Brooks

Int’l Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians, 1993 ISBN 0-918812-74-7

Introduction to Medical Terminlogy – Marge Bergstrom

Introduction to the Musical Brain – Don Campbell (obtain from West Music,


Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal – Rachel Naomi Rensen, M.D.


Life After Life – Raymond Moody Jr.

Life Lessons by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler

Life Outside the Physical Body, Colour and Reincarnation, Job’s Body, -A Handbook for Bodywork – Deane Juhan

Listening for Wellness by Pierre Sollier , a student of Dr: Alfred Tomatis


Making Music for the Joy of It ST720- Stephanie Judy (obtain from West Music,

Making Music with the Young Handicapped Child: A Guide for Parents E. Streeter,

Music Therapy Publications 1980.

May I Have This Dance? – Joyce Rupp

Methods of Utilizing Prescriptive Sound – Alana Woods

Music and Miracles – compiled by Don Campbell

Music and Miracles ST251 – Don Campbell (obtain from West Music,

Music and Sound in the Healing Arts – John Beaulieu

Music and The Brain – Arthur Harvey, Ph.D. (May be out of print. Try finding it used.)

Music and the Elemental Psyche – R. J. Stewart (may be out of print – try finding it used)

Music & Your Mind; Listening with a New Consciousness – Helen Bonny and Louis Savary (NY: Station Hill Press, 1990)

Music for the Handicapped Child – Alvin, J.O.U.P. 1978

Music in Medicine – Manfred Clynes, D. Sc. (May be out of print. Try finding it used.)

Music Therapy (1966) Alvin, J.O.U.P. 1991

Music Therapy. An Art Beyond Words – Bunt, Leslie  London: Routlege 1994 (new book, up to date, easy to read)

Music therapy for the Autistic Child – Warwick

Music Therapy in Action – Mary Priestley

Music Therapy in Palliative Hospice Care – Munroe

Music Therapy in the Treatment of Rett Syndrome – Montague, Janette, National Rett Syndrome Assoc.

Music Therapy with Hospitalized Children – Froelich

Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music – Manfred Clynes D. Sc.

Music, Power, Creative Living – Barbara Anne Scarantino

Musical Qi Gong – Shen Wu

Musicians and Injuries

Musician’s Survival Manual: A Guide to Preventing and Treating Injuries in Instrumentalists Richard Norris, M.D. (obtain from West Music,

Musicworks – The Canadian Journal of Sound Exploration

My Grandfather’s Blessings – Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, Soul Prints – Marc Gafni

My Voice Will Go With You – Erickson, Milton

The Mystic Spiral – Journey of the Soul – Jill Purce

Mysticism of Sound and Music – The Woman With the Alabaster Jar – Margaret Starbird


NLP – Enneagram Transformations – Don Richard Riso

Nurturing Your Child with Music – How sound awareness

Nurturing Your Child With Music – John Ortiz


On Music & Health, A Proven Way to Help You Integrate Mind, Body and Spirit – Mathew H.M. Lee and Joseph Nagler


Please Understand Me – David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates

Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim – Edward Hays

Psychosynthesis, The Act of Will – Roberto Assagioli, M.D.


Qigong for Health and Vitality – Michael Tse


Reiki, Energy Medicine – Libby Barrett and Maggie Chambers

Rhythmic Language of Health and Disease – Mark Rider

Rhythmic Medicine – Music With a Purpose – Hoffman

Rhythms of Learning – Don Campbell (obtain from West Music,


Sacred Sounds – Ted Andrews Llewellyn Pub ISBN 087542-018-4

“Saved by the Light”, “At Peace in the Light”  and  “The Secrets of the LIght.” by  Dannion Brinkley

Sensing, Feeling, and Action – Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Serpent of Light – Dunvalo Malchezidek

Sing Your Body – Susan Gallagher Borg (Activity book and Tape available)

Sounding the Inner Landscape – Kay Gardner (A wonderful book if you can find it used – no longer in print – some have found it by going to: (Canadian Amazon) then they placed my order with a U.S. bookseller However, if you go directly to the Powell site it says that the book is not available. Powell’s is in Portland, Oregon. Another link for Sounding the Inner Landscape is

Sounds of Healing – Mitchel Gaynor, MD – Broadway Books ISBN 0767902653

Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth

Stories for the Third Year, Stories that Heal – Wallas, Leigh

Structure into Magic – Anthony Robbins


TA Today – Stewart and Joine

Tales of Enchantment (Book of Metaphors) – Lankton, Stephen

Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine – Sataloff, Brandfonbrener, Lederman, eds. New York: Raven Press, 1990

The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

The Bardic Source Book – Inspirational Legacy and teachings of the Ancient Celts – John Matthews

The Communication of Emotion: Theory of Sentics in Emotion, Theory, Research and Experience Manfred Clynes, D. Sc.

The Creation of Health – Carolyn Myss

The Diamond Color Meditation – John Diamond, M.D. ISBN: 1-890995-52-5

The Enneagram and NLP – A Journey of Evolution – Anne Linden

The Enneagram and NLP – Anne Linden and Murray Spalding

The Ethics of Caring; Honoring the Web of Life in Our Professional Healing Relationships – Kylea Taylor (Santa Cruz, CA: Hanford Mead, 1995)

The Evolution Angel – An Emergency Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine – Dr. Michael Abrams

The Field:  The Quest For the Secret Force of the Universe – Lynne McTaggart, 2002

The Giant Within – Anthony Robbins

The Harmonics of sound, Color and Vibration – A System for Self-Awareness and Soul Evolution – Elias Demohan

The Harmonics of Sound, Color and Vibration – Elias DeMohan

The Healing Energies of Music – Hal Lingerman (obtain from West Music,

The Healing Light – Agnes Sanford

The Healing Sound of Music – Mucci – Findhorn Press ISBN1-899171-33-9

The Hidden Face of Music – Herbert Whone (May be out of print. Try finding it used)

The Hidden Messages in Water – Dr. Masaru Emoto

The Hospice Choice – Marcia Lattanzi-Ticht

The Inner Game of Music – Barry Green and W. Timothy Gallwey

The Language of Medicine – Davi-Ellen Chabner

The Listening Book – W. A. Mathieu

The Music of Life – Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul – Jill Purce

The Perfect Wrong Note,  Learning to trust your musical self – William Westney ISBN 1-57467-145-6

The Power of Intention by Dr.Wayne Dyer

The Practice Of The Presence Of God – Brother Lawrence

The Roar of Silence – Don Campbell

The Secret Lore of Music – The Hidden Power of Orpheus by Fabre d’Olivet

The Secret Power of Music – David Tame

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche

The Troubled Dream of Life – Daniel Cahallan

The Two of Music, Sound Psychology – John Ortiz

Therapeutic Metaphor – Gordon

Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Child Within – Mills, Joyce and Crowley, Richard (tied in with NLP)

Therapeutic Touch – Janet Macrae

Therapy in Music for Handicapped Children – Nordoff, P. Robbins, C. London: Gollancz 1971.

There’s A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem – Wayne Dyer

Tomatis Effect – Overview of the Tomatis Method – Pierre Sollier (May be out of print – try finding it used)

Tonal Awareness – Heiner Ruland (this book is hard to find but sometimes it comes up as a used book. Check these links: 1 2

Toning: The Creative Power of the Voice – Laurel Elizabeth Keyes

Total Pain Management – Cicely Saunders and the Hospice Movement

Tree of Strings – A History of the Harp in Scotland – Keither Sanger & Alison Kinnaird

Tune Your Brain – Elizabeth Miles


Uncommon Therapy – J. Hailey

Unlimited Powers – Anthony Robbins


Walking on Water, by Madeline LxEngle

What Survives? – Gary Doore, Ph. D. (May be out of print. Try finding it used)

When Bad Things Happen to Good People – Harold S. Kushner

Where Is God When It Hurts? – Philip Yancy

Whose music? A Sociology of Musical Languages – Shepard, J. London 1977


You Are Your Instrument – Julie Lyonn Lieberman (obtain from West Music,


Zen Guitar – P. Toshic-Sudio

On Grieving

How to Survive the Loss of a Love – Melba Colgrove

Grieving: The Pain & Promise – Deanna Edwards

Teenagers Face to Face With Bereavement – Karen Gravell

The Grief Recovery Handbook – John James

Teenagers Talk About Grief – June Cerza Kolf

A Grief Observed – C.S. Lewis

Beyond Grief – Carol Staudacher

Men & Grief – Carol Staudacher

Necessary Losses – Judith Viorst

Loss of the Ground Note – Vozenilek

Good Grief – Granger Westberg

Using Grief to Grow – Johnette Hartnett

The Funeral – Johnette Hartnett

Grief in the Workplace – Johnette Hartnett

Different Losses, Different Issues – Johnette Hartnett

Death Etiquette for the 90’s – Johnette Hartnett

Children & Grief – Johnette Hartnett

When Bad Things Happen to Good People – Harold Kushner

On Dying

Final Gifts – M. Callahan

Please Understand Me – David Kiersey

Death: The Final Stage of Growth – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

On Death & Dying – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

To Live Until We Say Goodbye – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Healing Into Life & Death – Steven Levine

Meetings at the Edge – Steven Levine

Who Dies? – Steven Levine

The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche

For Caregivers

Letting Go – Richard Boerstler

The Helping Relationship – Lawrence Brammer

How Can I Help? – Ram Dass

Coming Home – Deborah Duda

Healing the Dying – Mary Jane Linn

Home Care for the Dying – Deborah Whiting Little

Therapeutic Touch – Janet MacRae

On The Arts

Creativity & The Close of Life – CT Hospice

The Healinng Energies of Music – Hal Lingerman

Art as Medicine – McNiff

The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

On Hospice

Hospice Resource Manual for Local Churches – John Abbott

A Hospice Handbook: A New Way to Care for the Dying – Michael Hamilton

Hospice & Ministry – Paul Irion

The Hospice Alternative – Anne Munley

The Hospice Movement – Sandol Stoddard

On Philosophy

The Denial of Death – Ernest Becker

Man’s Search for Meaning – Victor Frankl

Care of the Soul – Thomas Moore

Healing & the Mind – Bill Moyers


You Can Do Something About AIDS – Sasha Alyson

AIDS -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Borrowed Time – Paul Monette

AIDS: A Self-Care Manual – AIDS Project L.A.

On Self-Help

Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson – Joan Boryshenko

Minding the Body, Mending the Mind – Joan Boryshenko

Three Minutes a Day – Father John Catoir

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – Deepak Chopra

Quantum Healing – Deepak Chopra

Anatomy of an Illness – Norman Cousins

The Healing Heart – Norman Cousins

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten – Robert Fulgham

Focusing – Eugene Gendlin

Surviving the Cure – Janet Henry

The Migraine Puzzle – Susan Borg

My Voice Will Go With You – Sidney Rosen

Love, Medicine & Miracles – Bernie Siegel

Peace, Love & Healinng – Bernie Siegel

The Ultimate Fake Book 4th Edition with over 1200 songs

In the front there is a Classified Song Listing which lists the songs according to the years (1920, 1930, etc.) as well as Show Tunes, Movie Hits, Polkas, Latin, etc etc. The book is for all instruments in the key of C, and most arrangements look fairly easy to perform.

For anyone interested, it can be ordered through Hal Leonard Corp. ISBN 0-7935-2939-5 or on their Website The cost is $49.95 plus shipping.

Or go to to get a used copy – one was available at $7.00 – another for $29.00  Click HERE for the link.